Five big changes in the healthcare comms landscape

The world of healthcare has changed very greatly in the five years since The Difference Collective launched. Our agile model and talented team have enabled us to keep pace with demand and to evolve our communications expertise and practice to support 106 clients. Thank you to everyone who has been part of our Difference journey and supported our innovative, virtual approach. We look forward to travelling through the next five years and beyond with you all, as the healthcare landscape continues to transform.

Diverse talent campaign

Diverse talent campaign

Different kinds of talent and working practices are good for everyone. So, what can we do to support talent growth, development and retention in our industry, and to facilitate a truly diverse population of colleagues to work in whatever way they wish?

Lucky thirteen – our Collective home-working hacks

Lucky thirteen

We’re always looking for new ways to increase our productivity and make remote working a positive experience for ourselves and our clients. We asked the team to share their tips hacks for maximum energy and engagement.

Effective media strategy for the pandemic

effective media strategy for the pandemic

Media relations and media strategy have been hot topics throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and UK lockdown. Initially some clients wanted to batten down the hatches, stop communicating externally and ride out the storm – unclear about how to navigate.