Five big changes in the healthcare comms landscape

The world of healthcare has changed very greatly in the five years since The Difference Collective launched. Our agile model and talented team have enabled us to keep pace with demand and to evolve our communications expertise and practice to support 106 clients. Thank you to everyone who has been part of our Difference journey and supported our innovative, virtual approach. We look forward to travelling through the next five years and beyond with you all, as the healthcare landscape continues to transform.

When is an agency not an agency?

when is an agency not an agency

The PR Week UK Top 150 Consultancies prompts anticipation and curiosity. But can a virtual collective of freelancers fairly be compared and ranked against conventional agencies?

How virtual agencies have come of age

When it comes to strategic communications, virtual agencies can really set themselves apart from their traditional predecessors, offering new solutions that will not only improve agency profitability and increase sales but most importantly – make clients happy.