There’s nothing “free” about being freelance
Difference team member, Jo Willey, takes a look at attitudes to freelancing and why she thinks freelancers should never work for free.
What a Difference a year makes
We can hardly believe it’s 12 months ago today that The Difference Collective launched with a plan to prove quality healthcare communications and content support can be delivered via a totally ‘Different’ project-led, flexible and virtual model. We reflect on the Difference we’ve made in year one.
Collectively creating a recipe for success
As the newly-appointed “Head of the Creative Difference”, I should explain what that difference is. Ideas come from people. And being part of The Difference Collective, I can stand in front of 50 of the most enquiring, engaged and empowered people in communications. It’s a creative’s ideal to have, at a moment’s notice, both quality […]
I thought flexible working was a solo mission – and I couldn’t have been more wrong
When Sarah Wolf first left her job to go freelance, she feared she would lose the support and camaraderie of office life. But how wrong she was. Here, she explains how joining The Difference Collective has given her a “dream team” of colleagues with the ability to work flexibly. Being a freelance public relations consultant […]
Flexible working isn’t a second-class service
I’ve wanted to be a journalist since I was 11 years old, playing make-believe with my Granny. I’m one of the lucky ones to have made it. A lot of hard work and determination and I was working on my first national newspaper – the Daily Mail – by the time I was 24. I […]