Book Review: Communicate in a Crisis

In her book ‘Communicate in a Crisis’, Kate Hartley shares perspectives from her formidable PR crisis management experience. in this brilliant book. Founder Angie shares how this is a vital read for the significant and highly relevant lessons in these Different times.

Book Review: It Doesn’t Have to be Crazy at Work

“Crazy at work” seems to have become the new normal. Our workday is sliced into tiny, fleeting work moments by an onslaught of distractions, while we’re unhealthily obsessed with growth at all costs.

Book Review: The Win Without Pitching Manifesto

In her drive to work differently, Founder Angie Wiles is always looking for fresh takes on routes to success. In her recent reading, she found three gems. Here’s the first, The Win Without Pitching Manifesto by Blair Enns.